
Please cite Gonneau et al. 2020 (2020A&A...634A.133G), when using these data.

Data format

Example XSL spectra
The XSL DR2 spectra are single-arm spectra, with linearly sampled wavelengths in rest-frame, covering the wavelength range: 3000 -- 25000 Å. The spectra are provided as FITS binary tables, each containing three columns:
  1. WAVE: Wavelength [in nm]. As the spectra are rest-framed, the wavelength ranges are spectrum-dependent.
  2. FLUX: Flux spectrum [in erg/s/cm2/Å]
  3. ERR: Error spectrum: [same units as Flux]
Some help to read / plot the spectra can be found on the FAQ page.

The DR2 spectra are made available as two separate sets:
  1. All the spectra for which a correction for slit-losses across the spectrograph slit was possible (85% of the observations).
  2. Remaining 15% of the spectra, without slit-loss correction.

The adopted spectral resolution for each arm (σ, not FWHM) is the average value over all wavelengths: 13 km/s for UVB, 11 km/s for VIS, and 16 km/s for NIR.
The spectral resolution measures are converted from σ to FWHM assuming Gaussian line profiles in velocity space (FWHM = 2.35σ) and used to re-evaluate the resolving power R = c/FWHM (c being the speed of light). Our adopted values are close to the nominal ones, as can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4 from Gonneau et al. 2020
Please read Section 4 and Table B.1 of Gonneau et al. 2020 (or the Comments column from the 'All stars' page) for information about the peculiar, abnormal or deprecated objects.